Throughout 2023 we wrote several blog articles about all things to do with houses in Canmore and Banff. From real estate career information to specialty property content, we wrote it all! As we get closer to the end of the year, we thought it would be best to continue with tradition and give a brief recap of our blog content from 2023. This way you can get caught up on any missed posts from the year. Follow along below to see everything that we wrote over the past eleven months. 

Houses in Canmore

Houses in Canmore – Winter and Spring Recap

Jan – New Year’s Resolutions for Those With Jobs in Real Estate!

To kick off 2023’s content, we decided to write an introductory post with some New Year’s resolution inspiration for those with jobs in real estate! If you are an agent who is looking for some goal-setting inspiration for 2024, check out this post!

Feb – How to Get Careers in Real Estate in Alberta?

One of the biggest questions that we receive about becoming an agent, is what the process is like to get your real estate license. In this post, we covered the most up-to-date information about the initial process of becoming a real estate agent. 

Mar – How to Get Real Estate Jobs Canmore Part 2

In this post, we covered the last steps in getting your real estate license. Be sure to read part one of this series first, if you have not already!

Apr – All About Buying a House for Sale in Banff

With endless amenities and jaw-dropping, 360 degree views, it’s no wonder that so many people want to call Banff home. In this article, we answered all of your most common questions about buying a house for sale in Banff. 

May –  Houses for Sale in Banff are in High Demand!

In this article, we went over a quick market update for houses for sale in Banff. As well as, provided some information about the main economic drivers in Banff. Check out this post if you haven’t already.

Looking Back at Fall and Summer in Canmore and Banff

Looking Back at Fall and Summer in Canmore and Banff

Jun – Inheriting Family Cabins in Canmore & Market Outlook!

Over the last few decades, many recreational buyers have looked to areas like Banff and Canmore as ideal places to invest in cabins/cottages. In this article, we went over the Canmore cabin market outlook for 2023! 

Jul – Tips on Moving to Houses for Sale in Canmore!

In this article, we wrote about our top tips for relocating to a new neighbourhood. Here, you can find essential advice on how to transition from your old home to your new home, how to make friends, and how to get familiar with your new location. 

Aug – Buying Canmore Houses For Sale in a Competitive Market

With interest rate hikes and the growing needs of homeowners, it has become difficult for Canadians to find a home. In this article, we discussed some tips for buying Canmore houses in a competitive market. 

Sept – Pros & Cons of Making an All-Cash Offer on a Property in Canmore

Making an all-cash offer on a property in Canmore can be a tempting decision. To help you better understand the pros and cons of buying a property in cash, we outlined some of the key details you need to know. 

Oct – Moving to a Small Town: Pros & Cons of Buying Canmore Homes for Sale

If you’re considering buying Canmore homes for sale, we encourage you to read this article! In the post, we took it upon ourselves to list some of the benefits and drawbacks of living in a small town like Canmore. 

Nov – Preparing Homes in Canmore for an Alberta Winter!

Whether you are a winter veteran or a total novice, this post will provide you with some insightful tips about how to get homes in Canmore ready for an Alberta winter. Check out this article if you haven’t already!

Contact us Today!

Thank you to all of our clients for another incredible year in real estate! For more information about buying or selling houses in Canmore or Banff, contact us today! We’d be happy to help you find the perfect real estate for the new year. Be sure to check out our social media for the latest news and updates. And, stay tuned to our blog for more real-estate-related information. We look forward to working with you in the new year! Happy Holidays everyone.

2023 is finally here! And, we are excited to bring you fresh blog content for the new year. Our team has been working hard to plan tons of new and helpful content. Everything from agent advice to buyer and seller tips are coming your way in the next few months. To kick off this year’s content, we wrote an introductory post with some new year’s resolution inspiration for those with jobs in real estate! Being an agent comes with all sorts of challenges. So, it is important to set yourself goals to stay on track and ensure that you are always progressing. If you are an agent who is looking for some goal-setting inspiration for 2023, continue reading the article below for more info!

Goal Setting for Jobs in Real Estate.

  1. Be Proactive

Being proactive rather than reactive is a great resolution to implement in 2023. Nothing says professional better than an agent who is well-prepared and level-headed. Especially in the face of adversity. One of the best ways to become proactive is by setting goals and breaking them down into smaller chunks so that you can achieve them easier. For example, if your goal is to sell 25% more houses in 2023, you might set smaller goals to reach this like:

  • Go to a networking event every month
  • Build a better social media presence by producing monthly content
  • Strengthen your relationship with the local community by attending events and volunteering
  1. Build Brand Awareness

Brand awareness is an integral part of any business. Whether you are a real estate agent or a baker, building brand awareness is of the utmost importance. Having people actively recognize who you are and what your values are will drastically increase your chances of gaining leads. But how can you build brand awareness in 2023? The answer is simple—time and content. The best way to build brand awareness in today’s digital society is online. So, creating social media content, building out a blog, and having a strong website can be all you need!

  1. Create Relationships

Another great goal to set for yourself in 2023, is to create more relationships with potential buyers and sellers. One of the best ways to create relationships with people in your community is to attend local events. Getting yourself out there so that community members begin to recognize you is half of the battle. Furthermore, if you are looking to build more relationships, try picking up a new hobby. Hobbies are a great way to meet new people within your community. 

More Goals to Set!

  1. Better Your Customer Experience

Customer experience is key to client retention. Moreover, a good customer experience means that you are more likely to get a referral or a good review. Since the real estate industry is built off of relationships and who knows who, good customer service is critical to your success as an agent. But how can you better your customer experience? Here are some of the ways you can improve client satisfaction in the new year:

  • Be communicative and respond to clients in a timely manner
  • Update key information like contact info and faqs so everyone is in the loop
  • Be available as much as possible
  • Be personable when interacting with clients
  1. Build Your Knowledge

Many business professionals get all too comfortable after years of working in the same position. This is a recipe for hitting a plateau and often results in a decline in sales. In order to stay on top of the competition and continue to build your success, you must have a student mentality. In essence, in order to grow you must build your knowledge on a regular basis. Learning about new property trends, best practices, and new legislation is crucial in your development as an agent. 

  1. Update and Refresh

If you are still using the same headshot, website, and logo from 2001, it might be time for a refresh. Updating your headshot can breathe new life into the look and feel of your brand. Furthermore, refreshing your website can attract new leads and improve customer experience. Overall, it is good practice to update and refresh key elements of your brand in order to stay relevant and make sure everything is functioning properly. 

Contact Us Today!

If you are looking for jobs in real estate in 2023, contact us today! We’d be happy to help you get started with a career in real estate. For more information about what goals to set as an agent in the new year, be sure to reach out to one of our team members. We look forward to helping everyone from agents to buyers and sellers in the next 12 months. Be sure to stay tuned to our blog and social media for more exciting new years content. Wishing everyone the best in 2023!